Tag Archives: survivor


28 Jun

I promised myself that I wouldn’t add any personal posts for a while, but I’m fuming at the edges.

First off, I hope everyone likes the new background, theme, header and what not. I know it borders on self-obsession but until I come up with a better idea, this’ll just have to do.

Secondly, what is with people thinking they can act and comment whatever way they want just because they’re sitting miles away behind some computer screen?

I’ve just started working for this online magazine. It doesn’t pay but it would look amazing on my resume, if I ever choose to go into the field of journalism or what not. Basically, it’s a bunch of college students who decide on a certain theme for the month and then write articles accordingly. I love writing and using that skill to do something productive is something I’ve always dreamt of. The magazine caters to my taste and actually gives me the freedom to write about whichever subject I choose in any way that I want. All that I have to adhere to is the end of the month deadline, and staying within the theme of the month. I only have to write one or two articles a month and I’m set!

What happened is that the editor tagged a few of us to brainstorm on the idea of, “One hit wonders”. I tend to think that though my music knowledge isn’t as amazing as a lot people out there, it’s not exactly poor either. In the list of one hit wonders, I added the name of Survivor’s “Eye of the Tiger”. Being honest, that’s only song that I’ve ever heard by Survivor. I was the first person to comment, which I’m never doing again by the way, and some creep comes online 2/3 hours later to add his so called “opinion”.

Regardless of whether Survivor is actually a one hit wonder or not, when there’s an opinion that you want to convey on a public forum, there’s a proper way of going about it. You have to watch the language that you use and be careful about the way that it may be interpreted. Though is guy didn’t abuse or anything, his tone and mannerisms were extremely offensive. Despite all of that, I didn’t particularly care until his “friends” or whatever joined in and starting ganging up on me.


I politely excused myself from the conversation. I didn’t put a fight because apparently they thought Survivor was an epic band. Arguing against them would’ve been a waste of my time and it probably would’ve just inflated their egos even more.

My point being, just because you’re miles away and happen to have different opinion, doesn’t mean that you have to be a jerk about it.
