Tag Archives: personal

Return of the Dead.

12 Jul

The universe really seems to listen in some time. More often than not, people seem to forget that no matter how bad things get, they just HAVE to turn around. It’s just the way that the world works. I’m not a big believer in god. I’m agnostic so to speak, hence, I do believe in some sort of force being out there. I do believe that something had to cause us to exist.

The past few days I’ve been having crazy fights at home. I honestly thought that I was going to lose it and do something stupid. No, I don’t committing suicide, but just running away and crashing at a friend’s place for a few days.

Being 20 years old now, I hate how I’m still treated like a 5 year old at times. I understand that “kids will always be kids regardless of how old they get” but there is a line SOMEWHERE. For example, two guys came to fix the air conditioner at our place a few days back. Mom’s nicely sitting in the corner NOT speaking to any of them, and I generally went in to ask her about where one of my t-shirts was. Soon enough, hardly 10 minutes later, dad comes in and starts scolding me and says, “You shouldn’t disturb two adults when they’re talking.” I mean, I’m generally an angry person and I don’t try to hide it but I normally don’t blow the way I did right then unless it’s justified. Just because there were two other people in that room doesn’t mean that there was a conversation going on. I asked her ONE question when she wasn’t talking to ANYONE else. I wasn’t even angry by what he said, just hurt. I started crying like a 2 year old who just stubbed her toe and screaming at him to start being reasonable. It’s insane how this has been happening every second day. I’m honestly an adult now, so I happen to know the difference between talking to another person and interrupting a conversation. I am not that stupid just because I have the occasional blonde moment.

Anyhow, in the past few days, things have just been going from bad to worse. Talking to my dad is a colossal waste of time. He sits me down and tells him how he “feels” which basically feels like a rant of “Oh look at how horrible my daughter is” and I honestly just got fed up and told him, “I have nothing to say to you.” He’s tried to make things better, only on one day, but it’s honestly too little, too late. I know family is important and I will always be there for my parents no matter what but that doesn’t mean that I keep pushing my feelings aside and smiling to their convenience. That’s not the way it’s going to work anymore. I literary feel like I’m dying inside every time I do that.

All of that aside, the point of this post was not to tell you my sob story but to tell how things always get better just when you think you’ve hit rock bottom. Today was the worst of all days, and I was planning on running away or something but just a few hours of laughter and hugs made me realise that the reason I appreciate my time out of the house so much is because how crappy things are at home.

My best-best-best friend, who stays in the same city but I haven’t met her in MONTHS, finally came to meet me today. I really needed a day out and I couldn’t have asked for better company. She and the guy I’d mentioned in “Stuck” stopped by for a few hours and it was so perfect. All we did was have a few beers and play a few hands of poker, but it just felt like a scene out of those sappy movies where everyone seems to be smiling through every single second.

We hadn’t planned to meet up and I had no idea that they would even be in this part of the city. That phone call was insanely unexpected and came just as I was about to pack a bag to leave. It actually came when I was in the washroom and hardly ever call people back. Maybe, one in 6 months but today was different. Something inside me just told me that I have to pick up the phone and dial.

Thank you universe for whatever part you played in all of this. Maybe it was huge, maybe it wasn’t. Either way, thank you.


P.S. I know I disappeared for a few weeks. Sorry about that. I’m back now and I plan on sticking on. SO MUCH DRAMA. Meh.


28 Jun

I promised myself that I wouldn’t add any personal posts for a while, but I’m fuming at the edges.

First off, I hope everyone likes the new background, theme, header and what not. I know it borders on self-obsession but until I come up with a better idea, this’ll just have to do.

Secondly, what is with people thinking they can act and comment whatever way they want just because they’re sitting miles away behind some computer screen?

I’ve just started working for this online magazine. It doesn’t pay but it would look amazing on my resume, if I ever choose to go into the field of journalism or what not. Basically, it’s a bunch of college students who decide on a certain theme for the month and then write articles accordingly. I love writing and using that skill to do something productive is something I’ve always dreamt of. The magazine caters to my taste and actually gives me the freedom to write about whichever subject I choose in any way that I want. All that I have to adhere to is the end of the month deadline, and staying within the theme of the month. I only have to write one or two articles a month and I’m set!

What happened is that the editor tagged a few of us to brainstorm on the idea of, “One hit wonders”. I tend to think that though my music knowledge isn’t as amazing as a lot people out there, it’s not exactly poor either. In the list of one hit wonders, I added the name of Survivor’s “Eye of the Tiger”. Being honest, that’s only song that I’ve ever heard by Survivor. I was the first person to comment, which I’m never doing again by the way, and some creep comes online 2/3 hours later to add his so called “opinion”.

Regardless of whether Survivor is actually a one hit wonder or not, when there’s an opinion that you want to convey on a public forum, there’s a proper way of going about it. You have to watch the language that you use and be careful about the way that it may be interpreted. Though is guy didn’t abuse or anything, his tone and mannerisms were extremely offensive. Despite all of that, I didn’t particularly care until his “friends” or whatever joined in and starting ganging up on me.


I politely excused myself from the conversation. I didn’t put a fight because apparently they thought Survivor was an epic band. Arguing against them would’ve been a waste of my time and it probably would’ve just inflated their egos even more.

My point being, just because you’re miles away and happen to have different opinion, doesn’t mean that you have to be a jerk about it.


If the Greats were Still Alive.

26 Jun

DISCLAIMER: The contents of this post are my opinion and mine alone. They are not meant to offend anybody and neither are they written in stone.

A lot of people who’ve lived have made a great impact on the world.

A lot of people who’ve lived have made an enormous contribution to shape the world that we live in today.

A lot of people who’ve lived have been loved by the majority, but been SO hated by certain minorities.

A lot of people who’ve lived have died before they should have.

I’ve always thought that a person should have the opportunity to live their life the fullest of its extent. Having heard stories about assassinations and supposed “accidents” has made my heart break many a time. There have been so many great people that have lived such amazing lives but they’ve passed way before their time.

I’ve made a list of people that I think should’ve had the opportunity to live a little longer, a list of people that would’ve made the world an even better place had they had the chance and how.

1. John Lennon

He was more than just a “Beatle”. I think he’s proven that time and again. As always, he would’ve spoken his mind and held his own. Unlike Paul McCartney, who I do adore to a certain extent, John wouldn’t have gotten face lifts and married a bimbo. He would’ve been the idol that so many generations would’ve looked up to. He never fell for the whole “superstar” persona, but that’s exactly what made him an even greater person. If he were still alive, I think he’d still be making albums but in one of his interviews he said that, “I don’t want to be 50 years old and still singing ‘She love you yeah yeah yeah’ or ‘Yesterday’.” Maybe he would just record a few songs a year that were close to his heart. He would never be a sell out.

Some people say that if he hadn’t been killed by an obsessed fan that maybe his legacy wouldn’t be as great but IT’S JOHN LENNON. He’ll always be a legend, dead OR alive.

2. Martin Luther King Jr.

First off, if Mr.King was alive today, then he’d be 83 years old. This man is obviously a legend for his “I Have a Dream” speech but despite being one of the greatest orators of his time, he was a man with a plan. He brought racism and civil disobedience into the light and didn’t rest until action was taken against it. A lot of people categorise him as the spokesman for black people but what they don’t realise is that he really spoke of all of America. A lot of the things that he was fighting for are the same things that plague the USA till date such as, equality for employees, levelling the field when it comes to job opportunities and civil rights.

If this man were still around, he’d be really disappointed with the USA. He was criticized by the media for speaking out against the Vietnam War. His exact words were, “A nation that continues year after year to spend more money on military defence than on programs of social uplift is approaching spiritual death.” He would’ve been completely against the Afghanistan War as well as the, more recent, Iraq War and I believe that he would’ve done everything in his power to keep both events from happening.

At the end of the day however, he’d say, “America… Keep Faith.”

3. Gandhi

If Gandhi has lived for at least another 10 years, the face of India would be so much different than it is today. First of all, he would’ve helped bridge the communal divide that occurred after the partition of India and Pakistan. Secondly, he would’ve promoted equality between the genders as well as the classes.

Some people say that he was coming partial close to his old and wouldn’t have been able to lead well had he still stayed alive but to them I say that, Gandhi’s already proven himself in his life time, hence, they have no substantial proof to discredit him for what he would’ve done had he lived on.

Those are my top three people to be on the list. Who else do you think deserves to be on here and why? 😛


P.S. If you like this kind of post, let me know so that I can do similar posts later on and obviously, your feedback and opinions are always welcome. Love love.


26 Jun

Good morning! 😀

I got my planner xerox-ed and what not. Instead of going to get spiral binding done, I thought it made more sense to make, one of the millions binders that I have lying around the house, into a cover instead. I can remove pages, replace them, keep adding to it and make as many mistakes as I want because it’s going to be easy to just remove pages or add them as per my situation. YAY!

Anyway, this is just a little post for today. The big one’s going to be coming up in just  a bit, once I’m done with breakfast and what not.

Btw, say hello to “Balloony-Boony”. This miracle worker kept me company through all of yesterday. I WAS IN LOVE WITH THIS GUY. But he popped sometime last night while I was sleeping. *sniff* No idea how. * shrugs* Oh well. I’ll just make a Balloony-Boony Jr if and when I need another companion to bounce around. Lol.

Balloony – Boony.
25.06.12 – 26.06.12

Here’s a picture of my awesome binder, which is almost as old as I am. I still have to decorate it, but I think it looks nice and professional this way. 😛

Please excuse my jammies. I realize they look a little weird.

Here’s a picture of the calender page.

This is the weekly post planner.

I realize that you can probably (somewhat) see what my posts are going to be for the upcoming week, but that’s okay. I doubt that really makes a difference.

So yeah. It might be a little much, since I have no business to promote and my aim isn’t to make money, but I’m liking it a lot and it’s helped me focus down and concentrate SO MUCH BETTER.

*happy dance*


  1. Write up blog post.
  2. Organize study material.
  3. Start studying.

Time to get my BLOG ON.

25 Jun

Goooooood morning!

Today’s going to be an amazing day. I can just feel it. I’ve got a huge smile on my face and I’m honestly buzzing with energy despite the fact that I was up the whole night making up templates and figuring out how to get more organized. Now that all of that is done, I’m just waiting for the xerox shops to open so that I can get photocopies and assemble my very own organizers.

They’re not going to be anything fancy or colorful. All they’re supposed to do is serve their purpose and keep my head in the game.

I’m obsessed with having everything in order and planned out, otherwise I just feel like it’s all falling apart. I’m not saying that I’m very good at keeping it all together on a daily basis with or without planning, but at least my brain doesn’t rebel on me when I know where I’m headed, when and why.

Having a planner keeps the voices in my head at a minimum volume and they only speak up once in a while. If I don’t plan ahead of time, it’s chaos. Either way, I’m really happy now and I’m looking forward to everything that I’ve got to do today. I’ll upload pictures of my organizers when they’re done to share. Lol.

Jumping with joy.


  1. Make a working playlist.
  2. Photocopy templates.
  3. Make covers.
  4. Give organizers for spiral binding.