Tag Archives: list


24 Jun

It’s three in the morning and I can’t sleep. I have too many thoughts and questions going through my head right now to be able to focus on ANYTHING for more than 30 seconds.

Since I can’t sleep, and I can’t do anything else, why not try and remove the obstacle so that I can actually move on to do something productive?

  1. Do I have it in me to graduate? I mean, I know I love economics and I know I can study the subject to a certain extent but do I really have the dedication and perseverance to stick it out?
  2. Do I have it in me to lose weight? I know I’m swimming every morning, and I know I’m not eating as much junk food as I used to but I’m still not losing any weight. I feel fit, and much better about myself but I’d like to look the part as well. Why does it have to be so frustrating?
  3. Will I ever be able to save up for a new phone? My current phone is totally bent out of shape and keeps hanging ever 5 minutes. I need a new phone, but without a job and meager allowance there isn’t any way that I can even bother to save.
  4. Will I ever be in love again? I’ve been there, but I’ve always believed that true love only happens once in your life. Meh. I feel like I put such a sad spin on everything.
  5. Will I ever have the courage and will power to break up with my current boyfriend? As amazing as he is, I really need to walk away. Enough is enough.
  6. Are my dreams way out of my league? I was always taught to dream big and work towards achieving my goals but all of a sudden it all seems so unrealistic and out of my reach. Every time I think that I’ve moved forward, something or the other happens to make me take two steps back.
  7. Will I ever be able to sustain myself so that I can FINALLY move out and live on my own BEFORE being forced to get married?
  8. Will I ever be able to obtain the focus that I need? There’s a lot that I need to get done and fast. Procrastination is no longer an option. I need to make a plan and put it into action as soon as possible if I ever plan on getting things right in my life.

Grown ups always tell you how wonderful life is going to be and how there are going to be so many opportunities for you to explore the world. What they always neglect to mention is that, regardless of whatever’s already out there, you’re going to have to work your butt off for anything and everything that you actually want. Even that’s not a full proof plan because life tends to be unfair.

What’s the point of it all?

Sorry if I’ve bummed you guys out. I just needed a place to rant and get all of this OUT of my system. It’s like Zeus vs. the Titans in my head right now. I’m all for looking at the glass as half full, but what if it’s got a leak and that it’ll probably be empty before you even realize that the glass was cracked?



8 Jun

Hey there.

I have a problem.

For the past few weeks I’ve realized that I’ve become insanely lazy. I bet you’re all thinking, well, that happens to all of us but do any of you not get out of bed for the entire day?

I’m not able to decipher whether my lack of productivity is due to stress, no motivation or just some weird inbuilt mechanism. The point of being, I need to fix this and fast, otherwise I’m going to be in a world trouble.

Plan of Action

1. Make a to-do list. – This should help me see my priorities more clearly and help me plan out how to manage my time so that I can get most of the things done.

2. Make a rough and fairly flexible daily schedule. – I think that in the beginning it’s important to keep my schedule flexible so that I can ease myself into giving myself more responsibility. If I try and do it all at once, I fear that I might gonk under the pressure.

3. Determine a rewards system. – I think the best way to give myself incentive and keep myself motivated is by setting up some sort of a reward system where I feel like my hard work is being paid. I was thinking that if i manage to stick to my schedule for a whole week, then I can go out somewhere for a whole day or something on those lines.

Yup. I think that’s it. Three simple steps towards, what is hopefully, going to be a better lifestyle. If you guys have any other suggestions or ideas to help me get out of my funk, please do share them. I can use all the help that I can get.


Sunny Side Up.

7 Jun

I am not a fan of summer. Hell, it’s my least favorite of all the seasons. The sun keeps blinding your eyes. You sweat like a mad person, and the heat keeps you in an irritated mood. I’m in need of a major lift, and hence here’s my attempt at looking at the situation with a little bit of positivity.

The Good Things About Summer

1. You don’t have to cover yourself up in layers.

2. You can eat all the ice-cream in the world. (But you have to eat it fast, because it melts like it’s on steroids.)

3. You can swim at the beach, at the pool, in the river or the lake. You might tan a little a bit, but it’s still better than freezing and catching pneumonia.

4. It’s an amazing, and valid, excuse to stay at home and laze around. (BUT WHO WANTS TO DO THAT ANYWAY?)

5. You appreciate the evenings more than you ever have before.

That was sad. That was so sad. I hate this season. I wish the monsoon would start already. The rain should come and wash away all this heat and FAST.
