Tag Archives: lazy


8 Jun

Hey there.

I have a problem.

For the past few weeks I’ve realized that I’ve become insanely lazy. I bet you’re all thinking, well, that happens to all of us but do any of you not get out of bed for the entire day?

I’m not able to decipher whether my lack of productivity is due to stress, no motivation or just some weird inbuilt mechanism. The point of being, I need to fix this and fast, otherwise I’m going to be in a world trouble.

Plan of Action

1. Make a to-do list. – This should help me see my priorities more clearly and help me plan out how to manage my time so that I can get most of the things done.

2. Make a rough and fairly flexible daily schedule. – I think that in the beginning it’s important to keep my schedule flexible so that I can ease myself into giving myself more responsibility. If I try and do it all at once, I fear that I might gonk under the pressure.

3. Determine a rewards system. – I think the best way to give myself incentive and keep myself motivated is by setting up some sort of a reward system where I feel like my hard work is being paid. I was thinking that if i manage to stick to my schedule for a whole week, then I can go out somewhere for a whole day or something on those lines.

Yup. I think that’s it. Three simple steps towards, what is hopefully, going to be a better lifestyle. If you guys have any other suggestions or ideas to help me get out of my funk, please do share them. I can use all the help that I can get.
