Tag Archives: laptop

The Disappearance.

17 Jun

I’m sorry for having disappeared for the past week. My laptop had been given for servicing because it was being a pain. The cooling fan wasn’t working, the battery was dying way quicker than it should be, the webcam refused to cooperate every time I tried to Skype and mic was just another story in itself. Anyway, the only silver lining in the entire situation was that my laptop was still luckily under warranty so I got it all for free. The underside was that I gave my laptop on the LAST day of the warranty, so I had to beg and plead a little bit and use the “I’m just a student” card.

All in all, everything’s just fine and dandy now. I tried using my mom’s desktop in between but OMG! It’s so irritating. The keyboard is way too hard and for some reason I kept losing the cursor.

Nothing special’s happened in the past week except that I went street shopping after eons, one my really close friends shifted to another part of the city, I switched rooms with my mom and I celebrated the 21st birthday of one of my gal besties.

Currently, my stomach is being a pain, LITERALLY. I don’t know what it is but it’s hurting like hell! So I’m going to go get some rest but I promise you I’ll update soon.
