Tag Archives: failures

Elysia Karalis.

6 Jun

“Life is what happens when you’re busy making other plans.” – John Lennon

Hi. My name is Elysia Karalis.

I am not the kind to judge, lest you pass judgement upon me.
I am not the kind to stray, lest you push me away.
I am not the kind to break, lest you smash me against the floor.

I am the daughter of freedom.
I am the calm right before the storm.
I am the rage that everyone else tells you to control.

I never hold anyone else responsible for my failures but neither do I let anyone else claim my victories.
My failures, I learn from.
My victories give me the push to move forward.

Hi. My name is Elysia Karalis.
It’s so very nice to meet you.
