Tag Archives: discipline

Jump. Smile. Live.

19 Jun

Today is a new day and I refuse to be pessimistic or depressed over things that I don’t have any control over.

My last post was about the only guy I’ve ever been in love with, but pining over that isn’t going to change the facts and I should really work towards moving on. I’ve had two whole years to do it, and it’s high time I set my head straight.

I’m 20 and nowhere near where I wanted to be in life. I need to focus on me and bettering myself. Men are always going to come and go, and eventually, I will find who I’m looking for. Plenty of fish in the sea, right? *weak smile, shrug*

I’d just like to point out, that yes, I do have a boyfriend right now but no, I don’t love him. He’s an amazing person and I like him A LOT, but love isn’t something that’s happened for us yet. He does have strong feelings for me, but I’ve made my stance on the matter pretty clear to him. No deception, no lies.

I’m still working on a schedule that works for me.

Swimming is something that I’ve been doing every day for over a month now. There’s nothing better than the feeling of water to set you in the right mood for the rest of the day. Blogging is also something that easy for me to stick to everyday because it provides for relaxation. It helps me get my head on straight and focus on what I need to get done next. Blogging is my meditation.

I can’t study for more than 90 minutes in one go, which is why I’m planning on giving myself 120 minutes for studying in each slot. I can use the last 30 minutes to revise or get other study related stuff done. It’s flexible and allows for “delays” or bathroom breaks.

I get one day a week off, to do whatever it is that I want to do, whether it’s to roam around with friends or just chill in bed at home. I’ve always given myself the evenings off to go out and get a breath of fresh air. I know for a fact that I get extremely irritable when I’m stuck indoors for the entire day.

I just feel so sluggishtoday, but I’m going to get my backside off this bed, onto my chair, AND GET TO WORK. As they say, it’s better to have tried and failed than to have not tried at all.  Or something like that. Whatever.
