If the Greats were Still Alive.

26 Jun

DISCLAIMER: The contents of this post are my opinion and mine alone. They are not meant to offend anybody and neither are they written in stone.

A lot of people who’ve lived have made a great impact on the world.

A lot of people who’ve lived have made an enormous contribution to shape the world that we live in today.

A lot of people who’ve lived have been loved by the majority, but been SO hated by certain minorities.

A lot of people who’ve lived have died before they should have.

I’ve always thought that a person should have the opportunity to live their life the fullest of its extent. Having heard stories about assassinations and supposed “accidents” has made my heart break many a time. There have been so many great people that have lived such amazing lives but they’ve passed way before their time.

I’ve made a list of people that I think should’ve had the opportunity to live a little longer, a list of people that would’ve made the world an even better place had they had the chance and how.

1. John Lennon

He was more than just a “Beatle”. I think he’s proven that time and again. As always, he would’ve spoken his mind and held his own. Unlike Paul McCartney, who I do adore to a certain extent, John wouldn’t have gotten face lifts and married a bimbo. He would’ve been the idol that so many generations would’ve looked up to. He never fell for the whole “superstar” persona, but that’s exactly what made him an even greater person. If he were still alive, I think he’d still be making albums but in one of his interviews he said that, “I don’t want to be 50 years old and still singing ‘She love you yeah yeah yeah’ or ‘Yesterday’.” Maybe he would just record a few songs a year that were close to his heart. He would never be a sell out.

Some people say that if he hadn’t been killed by an obsessed fan that maybe his legacy wouldn’t be as great but IT’S JOHN LENNON. He’ll always be a legend, dead OR alive.

2. Martin Luther King Jr.

First off, if Mr.King was alive today, then he’d be 83 years old. This man is obviously a legend for his “I Have a Dream” speech but despite being one of the greatest orators of his time, he was a man with a plan. He brought racism and civil disobedience into the light and didn’t rest until action was taken against it. A lot of people categorise him as the spokesman for black people but what they don’t realise is that he really spoke of all of America. A lot of the things that he was fighting for are the same things that plague the USA till date such as, equality for employees, levelling the field when it comes to job opportunities and civil rights.

If this man were still around, he’d be really disappointed with the USA. He was criticized by the media for speaking out against the Vietnam War. His exact words were, “A nation that continues year after year to spend more money on military defence than on programs of social uplift is approaching spiritual death.” He would’ve been completely against the Afghanistan War as well as the, more recent, Iraq War and I believe that he would’ve done everything in his power to keep both events from happening.

At the end of the day however, he’d say, “America… Keep Faith.”

3. Gandhi

If Gandhi has lived for at least another 10 years, the face of India would be so much different than it is today. First of all, he would’ve helped bridge the communal divide that occurred after the partition of India and Pakistan. Secondly, he would’ve promoted equality between the genders as well as the classes.

Some people say that he was coming partial close to his old and wouldn’t have been able to lead well had he still stayed alive but to them I say that, Gandhi’s already proven himself in his life time, hence, they have no substantial proof to discredit him for what he would’ve done had he lived on.

Those are my top three people to be on the list. Who else do you think deserves to be on here and why? 😛


P.S. If you like this kind of post, let me know so that I can do similar posts later on and obviously, your feedback and opinions are always welcome. Love love.

11 Responses to “If the Greats were Still Alive.”

  1. ventquest June 26, 2012 at 11:52 pm #

    I’ve been thinking about the fact that many fine people are dead already, too. Every time I think about it, I remember a quote from a year book as written in one of Gene Brewer’s “K-PAX” books, which reads: “All great men are dead and I’m not feeling well.” Remember that you, too, leave an impact, although it may not change the world the way those three men did. Keep blogging! 🙂

    • Akshay Pattabi June 27, 2012 at 12:08 am #

      Since you say “Who else do you think deserves to be on here and why?” I’ll take that as an invitation. Here goes.

      1) Ayrton Senna
      You brought in a musician, so a sportsman in my list. The man! The racer! The humility in him!
      Very ironic that the guy who worked his ass off to make F1 safe died in a crash during a race. But maybe his cause was fulfilled. There hasn’t been a casualty since then, and it’s been twenty years almost.
      More than anything I would have loved to watch the man at his sublime best, driving around with smoothness never seen before and probably never to be seen again. I haven’t watched live races of his owing to being in the cradle at that time, but I’ve seen footages. And boy, are they amazing!

      2) Heath Ledger
      Again because I’m a fan.
      Have you seen him in Brokeback Mountain? So great an actor at so young an age. It’s wrong to speculate but forgive me for saying he may have been the next Marlon Brando.

      Boy I’m becoming a common commenter, aren’t I? 😛
      You must be getting tired of me.

      • ElysiaK June 28, 2012 at 5:59 am #

        OMG! Heath Ledger. Yes. Definitely. I couldn’t agree with you more. Why’d the idiot have to OD? It really wasn’t fair. That’s only thing that pisses me off about him. I mean, he was a phenomenal actor and even while being the joker he had girls fauning over him, left and right.

        I don’t really know a lot about F1, so yeah. Lol.

        Thanks for your contribution. Whenever I do a similar list next, I’ll be sure to add a few “sportsmen” of my own. Yayiee.

      • Akshay Pattabi June 28, 2012 at 2:32 pm #

        Thumbs up!

    • ElysiaK June 28, 2012 at 5:57 am #

      Aww. That was really sweet of you to say! Everyone does leave an impact, I completely agree, but some impacts are greats than others which is precisely why certain people are better remembered than others. I have no issues against it, it’s just a blatant fact. Lol.

    • slowmouse June 29, 2012 at 4:42 am #

      Very nice quote, and a healthy reminder.

  2. jmgoyder June 27, 2012 at 11:35 am #

    This is great – more please!

    • ElysiaK June 28, 2012 at 5:59 am #

      Yay! I’m glad you like it. I’ll be sure to add another list like it next week. Woohoo! 🙂

  3. vanetua June 28, 2012 at 10:31 am #

    Wow. Well written post, especially your comment on how Dr. King would view America today.

    • ElysiaK June 28, 2012 at 7:54 pm #

      Thank you so much! 🙂

  4. slowmouse June 29, 2012 at 4:44 am #

    This post was nice. Organized and thoughtful. I so appreciate lists like this of a personal nature. I like the lists that are directive and somewhat authoritative too, but these kind are just more fun. Thanks for the post.

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