Sunny Side Up.

7 Jun

I am not a fan of summer. Hell, it’s my least favorite of all the seasons. The sun keeps blinding your eyes. You sweat like a mad person, and the heat keeps you in an irritated mood. I’m in need of a major lift, and hence here’s my attempt at looking at the situation with a little bit of positivity.

The Good Things About Summer

1. You don’t have to cover yourself up in layers.

2. You can eat all the ice-cream in the world. (But you have to eat it fast, because it melts like it’s on steroids.)

3. You can swim at the beach, at the pool, in the river or the lake. You might tan a little a bit, but it’s still better than freezing and catching pneumonia.

4. It’s an amazing, and valid, excuse to stay at home and laze around. (BUT WHO WANTS TO DO THAT ANYWAY?)

5. You appreciate the evenings more than you ever have before.

That was sad. That was so sad. I hate this season. I wish the monsoon would start already. The rain should come and wash away all this heat and FAST.


3 Responses to “Sunny Side Up.”

  1. inkspotstories June 7, 2012 at 10:41 pm #

    Summer is a good thing definately but sometimes I guess you can too much of a good thing. I’m a fall person myself. Thanks for liking my post.

    • ElysiaK June 8, 2012 at 5:28 pm #

      Summer is horrible. It’s sweaty, icky and tiring. You can’t street shop properly and keep drinking insane amounts of water, hence, have to keep looking for a washroom every hour. x_x

      Lol. Yeah. Fall really is beautiful. I wish it would last longer that it already does.

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